Finding the best teas to drink when studying can be a daunting task, with most people turning towards coffee to keep them sharp and alert. But as we know, ...
Can you reheat tea? You know sometimes, it's really easy to forget about your delicious cup of tea, maybe something has come up or you've been distracted, be ...
Rosa canina is commonly known as dog rose that goes all the way back to the medieval times, where the plant's root was known to cure the bite of a mad dog, ...
The history of ginger tea goes all the way back more than 5,000 years when Indians and ancient Chinese would use this root to help cure many diseases. At the ...
So as tea lovers we all know there are different types of tea, that contain different ingredients, and with the world getting healthier theses days we are ...
Herbal tea is made from a variety of ingredients such as dried fruits, flowers, and seeds. Once boiling water is added to the mixture the flavors are then ...
White tea comes from the same plant as Green, Oolong and Black teas, the Camellia Sinensis plant, and is usually harvested once a year in Spring, The leaves ...
Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks on the planet and is packed with antioxidants and nutrients that have some amazing effects on the body. Most green ...
We all love a refreshing glass of iced tea every now and then, especially on a hot day and not only does Iced tea taste delicious, but is very healthy for the ...