Finding the right toner to help improve and protect your skin can be a challenge with some toners that can have the opposite effect and actually irritate the skin instead of protecting it. Toners that are brought in-store can contain ingredients that upset the skin and disrupt its natural balance.
If your someone who has suffered from this, then you need to turn towards an all-natural toner.
This is where Green tea and apple cider vinegar toner comes in, and what’s good about this toner is both these ingredients are completely all-natural and chemical-free.
But the best part about this is you can make your own Green tea and apple cider vinegar toner at home with very little cost and effort.
If your someone that spends a lot of time looking at facial toners then you know that these cleansers that are bought in-store can be high in price and as mentioned above not all of them gives you that desired effect.
This is because of the ingredients these toners contain, for example, did you know that some of these toners contain ingredients like Propylene, glycol, Alcohol, Harsh exfoliants, Irritating dyes, Artificial fragrance, mineral oil, and Glycerin.
So as you can see there are some facial toners that are packed with all sorts of chemicals that can have a negative effect on your skin and by using one that’s natural and chemical-free it can be a much safer way to treat your skin.
Now, this is not to say all toners are bad! Of course, there are some good quality cleansers instore that don’t contain any unwanted chemicals, but if you are lucky enough to find one they do come with a price.
Green Tea And Apple Cider Vinegar Toner: Health Benefits
Now we all know that both green tea and apple cider can make a great tasting beverage, but as a facial toner what makes it better than other toners that are out there?
Well, to find this out let’s dive deeper into the ingredients and see what the benefits Of Green Tea And Apple Cider Vinegar Toner are exactly.
Green Tea
If your a tea fanatic then you should know that green tea is packed with all kinds of health benefits one of which is antioxidants.
Antioxidants can help protect against cancer, and lower the risk of heart disease, it’s also known to help with weight loss and improve brain function.
But how does green tea help as a facial toner? Well, Green tea is rich in polyphenols, Which are natural compounds that have health benefits, such as reducing inflammation on the skin and for controlling bacterial growth that can cause acne.
Green tea’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce things like skin redness, skin irritation, and swelling around the eyes.
This tea is also packed with high levels of vitamins. Take Vitamins E, for example, this can help to nourish and at the same time hydrate the skin.
Then you have Vitamin B that has the ability to maintain collagen levels, which can improve the firmness of your skin making green tea a perfect all-natural toner.
Benefits Of Green Tea As A Toner
- Hydrating the skin
- Helps with acne
- Skin irritation
- Skin redness
- Improving the firmness of the skin
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an ingredient that can be used in anything from cooking, drinking, and of course skin products. But why is apple cider vinegar good for the skin?
Well, vinegar-like green tea also contains polyphenolic antioxidants, which you should know now can help reduce inflammation on the skin and help with things like pimples or acne.
The apples used in this vinegar are high in pectin, a polysaccharide that occurs naturally as they grow which can improve the skin’s barrier.
Apple cider vinegar also has two types of acid the first is Citric acid which has Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that is used to increase skin cell turnover and to help decrease wrinkles.
The second is Acetic acid this acid is antifungal and antimicrobial that clears bacteria that may be related to skin conditions like acne, rosacea, scalp eczema, and eczema.
Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar As A Toner
- Decrease wrinkles
- Inflammation on the skin
- Skin Infections
- Acne, scalp eczema, rosacea

How To Make Green Tea And Apple Cider Vinegar Toner?
The best thing about making your own toner is it costs little to nothing, unlike some of the good quality toners in-store that end up costing a bomb, and most of them have are packed with chemicals and in most cases can have the opposite effect when used.
So when making your own toner not only will it be low in cost, but you know exactly what’s in it.
Now before we get started there are some things your need first to make this toner. To help you with this below is a checklist of everything you need in order to make your green tea and apple cider vinegar toner.
- Apple cider vinegar
- Green tea leaves/bags you can use either
- Tea tree oil (This helps target acne) (optional)
- Empty bottle that holds 4-oz
So once you have all the above ingredients then you’re ready to make your own homemade toner. The tree oil is (optional) and you don’t have to use it, But! by adding 3 to 4 drops to your toner this can help target spots and acne.
So the first thing you want to do is get your green tea ready. If you’re using loose leaf tea make sure you measure out the tea and add it directly to the teacup.
Then add 1 green tea bag or 1 teaspoon of loose green tea to the cup then add boiling water to the mug and let it Steep undisturbed usually for 3 to 5 minutes.
After this, you then want to strainer the tea using a sieve to catch any bits and leave on the side until your tea has gone cold.
Once your tea is cold you then want to get the apple cider vinegar and fill the empty bottle quarter of the way then add your green tea and fill the bottle just over 3 quarters of the way leaving a little gap at the top.
At this point, you can then add 3 to 4 drops of tee oil again this is optional and is entirely up to you if you want to add it or not. then screw on the lid and give it a good shake mixing the ingredients together.
Your toner is then ready to use it really is that easy to make. Also, it’s very important to keep your toner refrigerated, to find out why in more detail read this article below.
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So there you have it! as you have just read Green Tea And Apple Cider Vinegar Toner is definitely worth trying out and as mentioned above what is really good about this is its an all-natural and chemical-free toner and can really help fight against acne and spots.
So if you have tried all the other toners out there and have had no luck with things like acne and spots give this a try and see if it works for you.
Now this toner might not work with everyone as we are all unique, however, it does show promise and the fact that both these ingredients combined can make a powerful facial cleanser.
That’s packed with polyphenolic antioxidants to improve your skin it’s definitely one toner you should consider using.
If your not sure whether or not to put your toner in the refrigerator then check out this article below you should find this very useful.
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